Saturday, June 4, 2011


HOW TO GET YOUR OWN MAX STAT Spore Creatures Video Clips. Duration : 0.45 Mins.

Hello, this is my quick guide for anyone with a creature in Spore max stats and tips you need to know to want to do. Ill go over step by step basic instructions to take one to make, try to max stat creature. The main thing is trying to considder, and your creature will work to geneticly whole by the end of my instructions, otherwise your creation can be. Well, then the good stuff! 1. The Body: The first thing you need to know to learn maxstat creatures is that they are essentially spheres with little or no backbone. You want to have only two blocks spine (3 maximum) if you are starting. Another, and your creature can be geneticly complex to the end. 2. The / mouth head: max stats crature Each has at least 2 months. They are needed to considder is set, and when his mouth on your creature, creature damage youre 5 in both vocal and bite. Any other skills that add the mouth are an important award because it means fewer partsconsidder later. The openings should continue to provide omivore your creature with you, if you really want perfect stats. In this demo, I have Amphibitude Buzzmuzzle mouths and spitting out even strengthened my creature attack and HP increased by 1. Do not try to make the combo box to geneticly complex. 3. Eyes: I've found to use the best eyes are the Globo optical Ocubulge, Eyebissed, and Scrutineye Empteyes (Eyebissed be my favorite because it adds charm +1) 4 arms and legs: a pair of arms and two pairs of legs...

Tags: creature, spore, max, stat, guide, create, how, to

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