Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How to Be a Better Skateboarder by Overcoming Fear

How to Be a Better Skateboarder by Overcoming Fear

Jump Starter

Trying to learn new things has always been something very difficult for me but constant practice really does make perfect and skateboarding is no different. I find that the only thing to ever hold me back in skateboarding was my fear of being hurt. If you are doing flat ground tricks then there's a good chance that you can land just about any trick that you try once you get over this fear. The kickflip was a prime example. I could never do them very well despite being able to land double and sometimes even triple flips.

I could never get the single kickflip down at all due to a general fear I would land it upside down and break my foot, the key to just about any skateboarding trick to learn the technique first and then just stay above your board, getting over the fear of staying above your board and just committing to trick even if it means falling off will make you land loads of trick on flat ground.

Jumping down a set of stairs on your board is the same game. In order to achieve it you have to get over your fear of falling off and hurting yourself. Stairs are actually pretty easy when you get over the mental aspect of it. It's really just the same as ollieing on flat ground but you do need more speed than normal and may need to do a higher or stronger ollie to make sure you hit your target.

The fear of falling is often something that takes mental discipline to get over. With any new skater there is always that element of doubt that he will make it over an object but the best way to get over the fear is just to do it, without thinking about it because this will create all types of anxiety and nerves around it. Just roll up to an object and pick a landing spot and zone on on that spot. If you don't make it the first time around just get up and try again until you get it, it's just a matter of endless repetition.

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